Volunteering for a rehabilitation center and participating in an intern program are two ways to help develop these skills. A course of study in ecology, wildlife biology, zoology or veterinary medicine is also recommended. Please enjoy this video from Jackson Galaxy, a well-known cat behaviorist and host of How much will it cost to care for a new animal companion?
What is Wildlife Rehabilitation? Licenses and Permits It is illegal to attempt to rehabilitate a wild animal without the appropriate legal permits. Share This. Adopting a Cat Please enjoy this video from Jackson Galaxy, a well-known cat behaviorist and host of Read more. Everyone knows to contact a local shelter or animal control office after finding a lost pet, and most people have an idea what to expect when handling dogs and cats.
But what do we do if we find some diseased baby squirrels separated from their mother, or a bird with an injured wing, or an abandoned animal with a disability? The wildlife centers below deserve special mention for their innovation, large local following, involvement in their communities and, most importantly, their devotion to animals.
Unpaid volunteers play a large role in running these shelters, and are sometimes the only staff members. Operating since , they currently treat over 4, birds, mammals, and reptiles per year, yet nearly all of their funding comes from donations.
As stated on their website, their rescues come in all sizes, and they strive to help each one from the tiniest fallen chick to the bald eagle rescued and released last December. Malibu, Calif. They pride themselves on never turning an animal away and attempting to save each one at any cost. You can check out special videos of their favorite baby squirrel, skunk, and chipmunk rescues on their website. The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota has a very active web presence that keeps their fans up-to-date on the latest records, while providing lots of helpful and clear information about what to do when you find wild animals and how to provide immediate care.
To raise money for their cause, they host an annual wildlife-themed gala and auction. Outspoken against keeping exotics as pets, the center feels strongly that wild animals should be left alone with as little interaction with humans as possible.
Take an online course in Wildlife Rehabilitation. This is not really a article but I have so much miscellaneous information and students often give me great advice to pass on so here are some tidbits, facts, and student questions that I have gathered. I am always adding to this and there is really no order. Why is "spring" the busiest time of year for rehabbers? Babies, babies, babies! Well meaning people, pick up thousands of babies, and take them to rehabbers.
Many of them do not need to be "saved" and will die without their mother's care. I hope you will take away this one fact from the article, "Does the bird or animal really need to be rescued? If you can do this safely, when you see "road kill" take a small shovel from your car and carry it as far off the road as you can. You will save many lives, carrion eaters, crows, squirrels, all can be hit by other cars as they feed.
Be sure to remember to check opossums for babies. If you stop your car, bike, or if you are on foot and see a turtle crossing the road, it is great to help, just be sure to place him in the same direction he was going, otherwise, he will head right back across the road. Careless litter kills and maims so many fish, birds, and wildlife.
Be sure and cut open the holes of 6-pack plastic soft drink holders. Balloons can cause all kinds of damage. Fishing lines can choke, be swallowed, or tangle legs and beaks to cause drowning or starvation.
Do not feed your pets outdoors if you do not want to feed wildlife as well. A large percentage of the small birds and mammals brought to rehabilitators are caught by cats. Cat saliva has bacteria in it that is devastating to a small critter and will cause infection and eventually death with 72 hours. Opossums have the shortest gestation period about 12 days of all marsupials. Five to 25 young no bigger than bees are born blind and naked. They instinctively crawl the 2 inches from the birth canal to the mother's pouch it takes about 10 minutes where they attach themselves to one of 13 nipples.
There they stay for 2 months. Cow's milk is one of the worst foods anyone can feed baby animals. It makes them sick and can kill them. If you have unused towels or blankets, rehab centers can always use them to keep animals warm. If you do not have a rehab center near you, why not donate them to animal emergency clinics? Why are not birds electrocuted on electric wires? Becoming a rehabilitator A licence is not currently required to rehabilitate animals, but future legislation may change this.
Print Wildlife rehabilitation. Wildlife Information on wild animals and the issues affecting them. Licences to keep wild animals Can wild animals be kept in captivity? Find a wildlife rehabilitator Find your nearest wild animal rehabilitator.