The region receives much of its rainfall during winter, summer months remain dry and rainless. Average annual rainfall varies between cm. Lush green winter and pale brown summer is typical.
Though much of the original vegetation has long been destroyed due to ruthless human interference. Beside these characteristics, some trees like lavender, rose-merry etc.. Wine is produced from grapes. In the eastern side of the continents, in warm temperate region, this forest is located in:. Due to heavy rainfall, evenly distributed throughout the year, trees are evergreen, broad-leaved and hard-wood type.
In North America this coniferous forest is known as Taiga. The winter temperature remains very low. Annual rainfall varies between cm. Most of the coniferous forests or Taiga or Boreal forest are evergreen except lirch. The different types of forests: everything you need to know The green lungs of the earth come in many different varieties.
February 1, Reading Time: 5 mins read. These are: the tropical , temperate, and boreal forests taiga. There are also more specific types of forests within these larger regions. World forest cover. Tropical rain forests contain millions of species. Image credits: Thomas Schoch The high temperatures, abundant rainfall, together with twelve hours of light a day promotes the growth of many different plants.
Image credits: Ville Koistinen The soil can be several meters deep , but due to nutrient leaching, it lacks most of the essential nutrients for plant growth. Different subcategories within tropical rain forests Evergreen: rain year-round, no dry season Seasonal: vegetation evergreen, short dry season, Dry: long dry season in which trees lose leaves Montane: most precipitation from mist or fog that rises also called cloud forests , mostly conifers Tropical and subtropical coniferous: dry and warm climate with conifers adapted to variable weather Sub-tropical: north and south of tropical forests, trees adapted to resist summer drought Mindo cloud forest in Ecuador.
Global temperate deciduous and mixed forests. Coastal temperate rainforest. Image credits: Sam Beebe Subcategories within temperate forests Moist conifer and evergreen broad-leaved: mild wet winters and dry summers Dry conifer: at higher elevations, little rainfall Mediterranean: located south of temperate regions around coast, almost all trees evergreen Temperate broad-leaved rainforest: mild, frost-free winters, lots of rain throughout the whole year, evergreen Boreal forests Boreal forests, also called taiga, are found between 50 and 60 degree of latitude in the sub-Arctic zone.
Get more science news like this Tags: Forests trees Types of forests. Share Tweet Share. The tropical dry evergreen forest is a domestic forest of the coastal seaboard of South East India. The forest is also characterized by its rich botanical wealth and its ability to withstand the environmental conditions that are hazardous to the environment. Temperate Coniferous forests are different types of forest which nothing but coniferous trees that grow in temperate climate conditions with warm summer and cold winter.
In India temperate coniferous forests are grown in the Eastern Himalayas. Animals like deer and elk can be seen in this forest.
These are needle-leaved or scale-leaved trees that are found in areas having long winters and moderate to high annual rainfall. We can commonly see coniferous trees like spruce, pine, juniper and firs in temperate coniferous forests.
A Temperate deciduous forest is also known as temperate broad-leaf forests. Deciduous forests consist of trees whose leaves fall every year. Temperate deciduous forests have 4 distinct seasons — summer, winter, spring and fall.
Some of the commonly grown tree species in temperate deciduous forest include maple, oaks, beeches, shrubs and perennial herbs. Montane wet temperate forests are nothing but temperate wet forests that are grown in mountains. These biomes are strongly affected by climatic conditions which mean that the climate gets more colder as the height increases.
Montane wet temperate forests have large growing trees that reach up to to m above sea level. The temperature goes down to 11 degrees and the average humidity is over 80 percent. Temperate needle leaf forests are native to higher latitude regions of Northern Hemisphere. The soil condition is relatively poor and the temperature will be preferably warm in this forest.
The forest is rich in coniferous trees that include spruce, pines, cedars, cypress, hemlocks etc. Needle leaf forests grow mainly in long cold winters, hence found commonly outside India. The leaves of these trees will be long with thin waxy needles. The wax gives them protection from chilling weather. A freshwater swamp forest is one among the list of different forests in the world.
One of the peculiar features of this forest is that you can see freshwater source. We can normally can see these in the lower reaches of rivers and lakes. This kind of forest survives in all climate zones from tropical to boreal. Animals like fish, shrimp, frogs, turtles, and birds all live in this habitat. Freshwater Swamp Forest is also a place to grow many flowering plants with small blooms. These include mosses.
Sam Abell. Twitter Facebook Pinterest Google Classroom. Encyclopedic Entry Vocabulary. Also called taiga. Also called boreal forest.
Temperate forest. Media Credits The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. Media If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. Text Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Interactives Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website.
Related Resources. View Collection. Forest Fungus. View Photograph. Distribution of Forests.