Help or Other. Recent blog posts Fandom Staff blogs. Wiki Administrators Game Administrators. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? View source. History Talk 3. For the Gold stock Gold supply score: see Gold stock. Your ships are turned around just as if the city had a defending naval force. However, you can pillage a town on your island even if their harbor is blockaded. When two or more people attempt to pillage the same town their armies work together to defeat the defending army.
Remember always to send Heavy Infantry units, even if it is an inactive user, because if you do not, your units will scatter. Your military adviser will notify you of any combat reports. Sending troops to pillage towns that are undefended will generate a successful Combat Report CR without any battle. Your troops will begin loading the loot onto the cargo ships right away. Towns that are well defended may generate a multi-round battle. Each round lasts 15 minutes.
The Warehouse will protect a small amount of resources. Any resources that are not protected by the warehouse can be pillaged. Sending more ships will allow you to get more resources. When pillaging, each Cargo Ship will load 15 goods per minute, regardless of the size of the Trading port.
All ships load simultaneously, unlike when shipping resources through a Trading port. If you send more Cargo Ships than strictly necessary it will speed up loading times. For example: 10 ships are needed to pillage 5, resources , so sending 20 Cargo Ships will reduce the loading time to 16 minutes 40 seconds. The type of resources you get is proportional to the total number of resources they have.
For instance, if you pillage a town that has 2, and 1, unprotected by the warehouse a ratio , you will get 1, and the ratio when sending 3 ships. Ikariam Explore. Seafaring Economy Science Military. If your second wave units arrive after the initial grouping arrives they will only reinforce your attack on the second round. I followed the guide and sent 2 slingers to an unprotected city on my island, and my battle report was upsetting The real question here is why did I lose some or all of my units on a town with no military or town wall.
All towns with no military allow for the Town Hall to attack. The Town Hall's damage is Town Level x 3. If the defense of your unit s is not greater than the Town Hall's Offense then you will lose atleast 1 unit each time.
I disagree with the recommendation to blockade a town before pillaging to prevent resource saving. Here's my reasoning: Warships seem to take about three times longer to arrive than ground units. This gives the enemy three times longer to evacuate their resources. I think it's best to ONLY send ground units if you know they have no warships. Any objections? Occupation of a small town without any navy can then be used to pillage players on that island with navies without blockading them.
Moreover the reason some warships take longer to arrive than trade ships is because they are slower. The ikariam help library has all the information about unit stats, it's worth reading.
Text says "Note that due to a recent change, you can't blockade inactive players if they have at least one ship in their port, and hence you can't pillage them unless they are on your island. I have an inactive on my island and can't blockade it nor raid it - the reason for not being able to raid was: "Your troop transport has arrived in S