How old is wsu

Pratsch Collection documents the towns of Aberdeen, Hoquiam, and Grays Harbor Washington , from their earliest times and also contains some 64 portraits of Quinault Indians. The collection is a valuable resource for tracing the effects of erosion along the Pacific Coast, as well as the results of logging.

Lucullus V. McWhorter assembled an impressive collection of images, including portraits and images of battle grounds, to illustrate his books and pamphlets concerning the plight of Native Americans.

The images record agency headquarters and personnel, along with numerous photographs of Colville Indian farmers and school children. Some photographs from the Avery Collection may be viewed online as a one of an expanding group of Digital Collections. The George and Frank C. This has been a year unlike any other for the Department of History.

Yet despite the many challenges we are all facing, faculty and students have much to celebrate. History has long been at the center of a liberal arts education and it remains so today. As both a humanities discipline and a social science, History possesses elements of literary studies, anthropology, economics, and sociology and teaches a variety of skills that are relevant across the entire range of majors offered by the College of Arts and Sciences. We also offer a of number graduate and undergraduate scholarships and opportunity for students to conduct faculty-mentored research.

At WSU, professors and peers challenged me to think outside the box, and create original thoughts and theories often times going against perceived norms. History at WSU challenges students to go beyond, be diligent, and persevere academically. Writing, reading, and thinking skills are developed and molded to form an ever changing and perfecting student experience. I credit my study of history with all my success at WSU and with all the success I hope to have in the future.

Critical thinking is consistently reinforced in the WSU Department of History, and that helps me solve complex problems involving student fee increases, curriculum changes, and student safety needs. He was a plant scientist, mathematician, and the first wheat breeder. His job was to improve the economic health of farmers. He also was the football coach for two years.

Even though he had to learn how to coach football from a book, his teams were undefeated. Soils courses were included within Farm Crops under headings such as soils and soil analysis, chemistry of plant life, crop rotations, and manures and fertilizers. Spillman used genetics, mathematics, and research trials to produce varieties of wheat that enabled growers to continue to farm. He also encouraged farmers to produce alternate crops and livestock.

Spillman left WSC in June of with the breeding program well established, and the breeding priorities he defined are still being addressed today. By , he had seen the need to demonstrate the farm management practices used on the best paying farms, so he established a network of county extension agents in several states.

He had such agents when the Smith-Lever Act was passed, creating a nationwide extension system in Copas, L. The Dovecote Press Ltd. Jolicoeur, C. Lea, A. Proulx, A. Storey Publishing, Pownal, VT. Watson, B. The Countryman Press, Woodstock, Vermont. Introduction Cider in America Further Reading.


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