So should you just use 93 for the best performance? Maybe not. In September the American Automobile Association found that over two billion dollars are wasted per year on premium gasoline by people whose cars don't need it. With Researchers tested different grades of gasoline in a variety of engine types, checking everything from power output to tailpipe emissions.
And they found no benefits of higher octane. As it turns out, engines are designed and engineered around the best gasoline they can handle. High-performance engines take in higher-octane gasoline because they need it to operate at their peak potential. Other engines can simply get by on 85 or 87 octane. Turbocharged engines benefit the most from premium gasoline, with reported gains in both power and economy, and as more cars feature turbos these days, more people will be springing for premium.
They'll have a good reason to do so. A car designed for high octane can take in lower-rated gasolines—it just won't perform as well. The car's computer will detect lower-grade gas and adjust performance to compensate. Premature explosion knocking is bad. Higher compression and therefore more efficient engines require a less explosive — higher octane — fuel. Mixing two different gasolines may or may not end you up with a tank that is half way between the octane ratings of the two. Your engine should run more or less OK on 89 octane because the computer should retard the timing a bit to keep it from knocking.
But that costs you power. My guess is that the small mileage improvement from using 93 octane will cover the small difference in price between 93 and 89 octane. So why not just use 93 octane? Can I mix 93 and 89 octane? General Discussion.
What's new. New posts Latest activity. Can mix 93 octane and 89 octane make 91, I can or not? Thread starter StageLeft Start date Nov 19, Sidebar Sidebar. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.
Previous Next. StageLeft No Lifer. Sep 29, 70, 2 0. If to mix the 93 with a 89 division says 91 this good? Millennium maintains that this cannot be done but I can't remember what he said about it. I find it difficult to find a 91 although 89 and 93 are prevalent, and my car needs only 91 so I don't like to waste the cash! MomAndSkoorbaby Diamond Member. May 6, 3, 0 0. Nah, suck it up Skoorbie and use the real thing. FrustratedUser Lifer.
Aug 16, 22, 4 No, your engine will blow up very soon. Aug 8, 8, 0 0. There was a thread here on this a few months ago. I think the answer was 'Yes' it is the equivalent of the mix. CraigRT Lifer. Jun 16, 31, 5 0. Just buy the high octane but yes, if you mix the gas you will get the proper balance. Mar 7, 5, 0 0.