Living a stress-free life is impossible as the human organism can only survive and thrive in a state of stress. Our physiology depends on physical, mental, emotional and energetic challenges to function at its best. Forty four percent of Americans reported frequently experiencing stress in a Gallup survey.
In another survey carried out on participants in Asia Pacific i. China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore stress was found to be the number one leading workforce risk. The answer to living a life where you thrive and not just survive, is understanding what it takes to allow your body to function at its optimum level. To live stress-free is to learn to deal with this fact. You are the only person who is will ultimately choose to decide how to respond to that which is.
Let me break that down even further. What that means is you get to live your life, and other people get to live their lives. You get to make stupid, ridiculous mistakes, take leaps of faith, and stuff things inside your handbag of fear just as much as the next person. Going through stuff is the whole great messy adventure of being human! Being alive and living life is terrifying and glorious and everything in between. True confession: I hired a pleasure coach to help me experience more pleasure in my life.
Sure, some may call her a sex coach and she is , but what I wanted was some support with enjoying myself and my life. Every week for 12 weeks, she had me look at myself in a mirror, like, directly look—with clothes and without. This initially was like slow torture and I avoided my homework assignment as much as possible. Then, something remarkable happened in week eight. I was avoiding my homework assignment by making my dog do it he loves to look at himself in the mirror!
Give yourself the gift of seeing yourself clearly: you will be amazed by what you discover! And this free you from stress. An astounding thing happens when you release stress, get into a relationship with your body, mind, and spirit, and just be yourself without judgment.
Your life literally slows down. You stop wishing for the weekend. You stop merely looking forward to special events. You begin to live in each moment and you start feeling like a human being. You just ride the wave that is life, with this feeling of contentment and joy. You move fluidly, steadily, calm, and grateful.
A veil is lifted, and a whole new perspective is born. Caffeine, in the form of coffee, tea or cola, is the fuel of the American workplace. But it has its downsides. It can make you more anxious or disrupt your sleep. Duke University researchers found that caffeine consumption increased production of stress hormones and elevated blood pressure in the workplace, both when the subjects were resting and when they were stressed.
To avoid a caffeine withdrawal headache, cut back slowly rather than going cold turkey. But what about chocolate? Interesting research conducted by Nestles demonstrated that eating small amounts of dark chocolate 40 grams each day may help the metabolic response in stressed-out people.
Chocoholics rejoice! When we are rested , we feel calmer and better able to deal with problems that arise. Research has linked sleep deprivation with poor performance and dullness during the day. Missing just 1. To help you sleep better, avoid intense activity right before bed such as working or watching a violent movie. Eat lighter in the evening and avoid caffeine after 6 pm. And get enough exercise during the day so you are ready for bed.
A healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables keeps stress at bay. Foods containing vitamins such as B complex, C and E and minerals like zinc and selenium help to reduce stress according to research. Avoid canned or processed foods that often contain harmful chemicals. Reduce refined carbohydrates and sugar because they cause blood sugar to increase and then fall quickly leading to a feeling of being drained.
Complex carbohydrates, like whole wheat and brown rice, keep blood sugar steady and increase serotonin, a neurotransmitter that has a relaxing effect. How you eat is as important as what you eat.